In conventional dental implant therapy, the missing tooth root is replaced by an artificial tooth root. The implant then fuses with the surrounding bone tissue over several months, which is called osseointegration. Once the process is complete, a permanent restoration, such as a dental crown or bridge, is attached to the dental implant. This process takes several weeks or even months, depending on the patient’s individual healing needs. However, there is another option: an immediate dental implant.
Same-day implants are a fast, efficient option for replacing missing teeth. The procedure can save you months in total treatment time, bypassing the necessity for a bone graft to rebuild the socket after tooth extraction. If you are a candidate for this technique, your oral surgeon will evaluate the site and discuss the pros and cons of immediate placement and loading with you.
During this process, the surgical site is prepared by making a small hole in the bone. A screw-retained provisional crown or a fixed bridge can be placed on the same day the dental implant is placed, while the healing abutment heals under the gum tissue for about six months.
It is important to note that this procedure requires good oral hygiene and regular check-ups as the success of the کاشت فوری دندان implant depends on the soft tissue around the tooth. Furthermore, the underlying bone must be healthy enough to support an implant without any bone grafting. In addition, the abutment must be able to engage the apical bone and the surrounding socket walls to achieve primary stability. If these conditions are not met, the immediate placement and loading of a dental implant could fail, resulting in poor osseointegration, which would ultimately reduce the lifespan of the new replacement.
The immediate placement of a dental implant in fresh extraction sites in the anterior maxilla following cases of traumatic dental trauma without bone augmentation has proven to be a safe and predictable treatment modality. In addition, it can reduce the amount of surgical time and promote soft tissue healing compared with a delayed implant placement. However, more long-term comparative studies with better aesthetic outcomes are required to validate this approach.
In order to maximize the safety of the immediate placement and loading (IIP) protocol, a clinically proven dental implant system should be used. The NobelActive implant body, for example, is designed with a tapered shape that gradually condenses the bone during the drilling process. This allows for a smaller osteotomy and more precise implant positioning, providing higher primary stability in hard bone and soft extraction sockets. It also ensures that the implant can engage the apical and furcal bones and their surrounding walls, even in cases with soft bone. Additionally, a low surface roughness and a super hydrophilic surface of the implant allow for easy insertion into the socket. These factors help to achieve a successful immediate loading and superior aesthetic results. It is therefore important that the practitioner understands the indications and contraindications of IIP and carefully evaluates each case prior to implementing this technique.
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